Verlon biggs new york jets roster

Grimke biography

1969 New York Jets

Offensive StartersQBJoe Namath*26414185 for 361, 2,734 yards, 19 td, 17 marker, & 11 rushes for 33 yards and 2 tdRBEmerson Boozer26313130 rushes for 604 yards, 4 td, & 20 catches annoyed 222 yards and 0 tdRBMatt Snell*+28513191 rushes for 695 yards, 4 td, & 22 prerequisites for 187 yards and 1 tdWRDon Maynard*+34111147 catches for 938 yards, 6 td, & 1 rush for -6 yards duct 0 tdWRGeorge Sauer*2641445 catches add to 745 yards, 8 td, & 1 rush for 5 yards and 0 tdTEPete Lammons2631433 requirements for 400 yards, 2 tdLTWinston Hill*28614LGRandy Rasmussen24213CJohn Schmitt27514RGDave Herman*28512RTRoger Finnie24Rook9Defensive StartersLDEGerry Philbin*+285131 interception, 3 fumbles recoveredLDTSteve Thompson241140 interceptions, 1 cock up recoveredRDTJohn Elliott*+252130 interceptions, 1 mishandle recoveredRDEVerlon Biggs264120 interceptions, 3 fumbles recoveredLLBPaul Crane25383 interceptions, 1 stumble recoveredMLBAl Atkinson264102 interceptions, 0 fumbles recoveredRLBLarry Grantham*319140 interceptions, 2 fumbles recoveredLCBJohn Dockery251105 interceptions, 0 fumbles recoveredRCBRandy Beverly25272 interceptions, 0 fumbles recoveredSSJim Richards23193 interceptions, 0 fumbles recoveredFSBill Baird306145 interceptions, 0 fumbles recovered